Gründung eines Unternehmens im Bereich AI

Gründung eines Unternehmens im Bereich AI
Artificial Intelligence für Industrialized Consulting
WorldReplica - We Empower the Navigators of the 21st Century

Today, decision makers in business, investing, and government face unprecedented complexity.

The clarities of the last century are long gone: the flatness of a unipolar world, shared consensus on rules of law and values, still very distant planetary boundaries, and the undisputed logic of economies of scale and globalization.

Decision makers in the 21st century need to navigate a new world: geopolitical tensions and imbalances in a new multipolar power system, a revival of industrial policies, subsidies, and tariffs, planetary boundaries in the absorption of human expansion are real, fast changing demographics, unseen migration patterns, and technological breakthroughs with ever-faster adoption rates. They are engulfed by a fast-moving, globally connected information space that shapes public opinion and drives scrutiny of the press, public, and regulators.

Volatility, uncertainty, and ambiguity are escalating, necessitating a different response. Size and strength are replaced by speed and resilience. Multi-year planning cycles are replaced by real-time analytics and scenario thinking. Decision makers drown in information but yearn for insights.

To learn more, go here.

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Presentation to the SFAA


Den Fünfer und das Weggli - oder doch lieber die Bäckerei?


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